ARCHANGEL GABRIEL — 14 Unfiltered And Authentic Facts



The Archangels are beings, not souls, created by The One or Source specifically for the purpose of assisting souls in human form on planet Earth.

Archangel Gabriel is one of the most well-known Archangels to humankind. So much has been written about Archangel Gabriel, but what is true and what is myth?


Before I clarify this, let’s begin at the beginning. What is the source of all my information and how authentic is it? Reading my blogs, you surely want to know that what I am writing about is the unfiltered truth, don’t you?

My awakening came after 50 years of devotion to organized religion. It was rapid in a truly short space of time. After a series of wondrous events, I qualified as a hypnotherapist doing past life regressions. Within a month from doing a past life regression on my son Robert Henri, he started channeling the Archangels in a state of hypnosis after Archangel Raziel unexpectedly stepped forward. We were informed that Robert Henri is a channeler that has been given the gift of channeling any one of the Archangels and this is our path. In this auspicious time of the Ascension angelical knowledge will be brought to humanity. You will find a more detailed description on our website.

This which I bring you is the unfiltered truth through a channeler in a very specific state of hypnosis where the conscious mind is totally absent to enable the Angelics to come forward and speak with us. You can read in his own words what Robert Henri is experiencing when channeling and where does he go.


Why should this even be mentioned?

This is one of the first curiosity questions I asked the Archangels. They always talk about we. Like any soul, the Archangels also make spleets of themselves and always know where every spleet of themselves are. Souls in human form do not know where their spleets are. We know that we are living parallel lives, but we are only aware of this spleet and the life we are living now.

This is what the Archangels want us to know: they do by no means use the royal plural for they are making it crystal clear that they are our equals, and so are all humans — equal to each other. They use the plural because they speak to us all as singular spleets and as a collective as it is fitting in each space.


Gabriel is also known as Jibril, Jiburili or Saint Gabriel.

What is fiction and what is true about Archangel Gabriel? I did a little bit of research on how this Angelic has been portrayed for hundreds of years:

  • Being one of the most well-known Angelics especially in religious society, this Angelic, according to the bible, was responsible for the announcement of the births of Jesus and John the Baptist to Mary and Zechariah respectively.
  • In the book of Enoch, Gabriel is described by Daniel as a man, and like Zachariah, he was terrified of Gabriel.
  • Archangel Gabriel has also been described as an Angelic that has female energy with long white hair and a copper trumpet. The trumpet is a symbol of the messages trumpeting from God. It has been said that if you are particularly attracted to copper, you are working with Archangel Gabriel.
  • Gabriel is also portrayed as the messenger between God and humanity.
  • An Angel Therapist who presides over children, assisting parents in working with their children, assisting in adoption, and pregnancy.
  • It is also said that Gabriel gives guidance in choices of career.

Now, in this time of the Ascension where more and more people awaken due to the thinning of the veil, the Archangels stepped forward to impart knowledge, bringing us the truth in various ways.

In the books ‘Conversations with God’ by Neal Donald Walsch, God said if you want the truth, go to a channeler. And so I did…


The fact of the matter is that it is only here on the earth plane that male and females exist in physical form, and we all have male and female energy.

On the ethereal planes, only energy exists. There are no male and female beings. What we have to understand is that any being can present itself in male or female energy, or a combination as is fitting.

Every Angelic has male and female energy and they can present themselves as male or as female.


Their dominion is that of communication. It can easily be confused as assistance with a specific manifestation or during a situation where the desired outcome is not achieved. Gabriel will only deliver the message that will assist in us achieving the desired outcome.

If you wish to watch full session videos of the Archangels being channeled, you can watch it HERE.

7. Archangel Gabriel and the Universe

Archangel Gabriel is the messenger between souls in human form and the Universe — they are not the messenger between humans and God as stated so many times in the past.

The copper trumpet associated with Gabriel is for the human mind to understand in a 3-dimensional way of what their dominion is. Because of the veil, we do not always have a clear understanding and therefore we create images to assist us in the comprehension of 5-dimensional matters.

The Universe is the rulebook, and it is under these rules we are creating and manifesting on Earth. Gabriel does not assist with the manifestation or the situation itself, but only delivers the message to obtain the desired outcome. Allow me to explain:

You are manifesting, but in the process, you feel something is missing or you feel the particular outcome is not the outcome you want. Gabriel will deliver the message of what you have to do to get the desired outcome. How well you listen, is up to you, they only deliver the message.

Therefore, we can say the dominion of Archangel Gabriel is communication and expression. I will now further discuss what is meant by that.

There is confusion with Archangel Azrael. This Angelic is the messenger between God and humanity, as he is the high messenger of Source. He is also the bridge between the Angelical realm and all other realms.

8.The spoken and written word

Archangel Gabriel assists us in expressing ourselves clearly as language is one of the limitations on the earth plane. It is a limitation created by the collective human consciousness to use words instead of telepathy as it was practiced in the beginning. Language very often is the cause of miscommunication.

You can call upon Gabriel to assist you when you are required to make a speech, before entering an important meeting, or even when you are a writer. No matter, if words are a challenge, you only have to ask!

9. Expression

Words alone are only a small part of what others will understand when you are communicating, although it remains pretty important. How we express ourselves in terms of body language and how we carry ourselves are equally, if not more, important. If you are going to an interview, seeing a client, or even have to be in front of the camera, this is a perfect opportunity to ask Gabriel for assistance.

10. Presentation

If you are a teacher, public speaker, or just have to make a presentation in a meeting or to a client, it is in Archangel Gabriel’s dominion. Just understand that they will not assist with attracting the desired job, but they can assist you to reach the most desired outcome of your manifestation.


Gabriel does not assist with the above in any way but they are assisting with the communication between souls. It may be confusing, but as long as you remember that in any situation where communication is necessary, they can assist.


Those of you who read about my awakening on our website will know that I have been a dedicated member of organized religion for 50 years. That was all I have ever known.

I wish to state clearly and pertinently that I do not judge anyone who is still in organized religion or have strong connections with religion in any way. That would be the same as to bring judgment to myself. Each soul has the right to decide when to awaken and how to walk its own path. If you do that, nothing is unfitting.

Since my awakening, I realized that the bible as it is now, is a far cry from what it is supposed to be when it has been written under Angelical guidance. There is more than enough evidence to proof that the bible in its existing form has been altered greatly through the centuries to such a point that most of it is fictitious. It is beyond recognition and to me has no more use.

However, I want to confirm that Jesus did exist and was an ascended master in that particular lifetime, but what has been recorded about his birth and life is incorrect.

All the information in the bible where the Archangels are mentioned are not true. I state this clearly as I am obligated to bring you the truth, although some may find this difficult to believe at first. It may be that you are not ready yet. If your soul has made the decision to awaken, you will find that now or maybe a little further down the road this will resonate with you.

A channeler is pure and the information unfiltered. This is the privilege we have today of living this present life — Angelical knowledge imparted to us for the purpose of the Ascension.

Isn’t it why awakening is painful and blissful at the same time?


To recap, the Archangels were created for the purpose of assisting souls in human form on Earth and they stand ready and waiting to assist us in all matters. But how do we receive their assistance? Do we have to know their dominions in order to call the Archangel that deals with that specific matter?

The answer is no. All you have to do is ask. Just ask by using words, even just a thought. You do not have to know who the Angelic is or what their dominion is. The Angelic that deals with that matter will step forward and give you their assistance.

Why do we have to ask for their assistance? The reason for this is that we are under the Universal law of Free Will. If they just come forward on their own it will be seen as interference. Free Will must be respected by all, and it might be that the particular soul does not have need of assistance.


We all have the ability to hear them speaking to us, just like we hear our guardian angels and guides. We hear through feeling, that old familiar gut feeling that serves as well. Their answer is sometimes faint, depending on how connected we are. The more we practice, the more we will grow in our abilities. When asking a question, the first answer is the correct one.

Angelics do not have their own personal signs to let us know from which Archangel the sign is. They all use natural substances like feathers or signs from nature, even coins, clouds, animals, or any other creation from Gaia.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that we only have to ask, no matter which Archangel’s dominion it is. Communication is a real challenge, but know that we can count on the assistance of Archangel Gabriel.

That is how easy it is in times when limitation makes the illusion of the earth experience very real…

If you want to watch how Robert Henri channels the Archangels to assist you on your journey, click here.

Archangel Gabriel



Ask Angelics - Guided Spiritual Awakening

Rienie a Hypnotherapist and Robert Henri a channel of Archangels are here to guide others in spiritual awakening to help with the Ascension to higher dimension.